Healthy Ministry Fund

Since 2019 the Ministry & Mission Committee has expanded its work to support and develop healthy churches and healthy ministry across Presbyterian churches in NSW and the ACT. Our programs for healthy ministry now include

  • Sustain A three year post-college pastoral development program for people starting out as ministers, deaconesses and commissioned gospel workers
  • Church Consultancy Trained teams work with congregations to develop new vision, navigate important transitions, clarify issues and work on solutions, or work through conflicts
  • Prepare In partnership with Christ College, a day conference for candidates to help them prepare for the transition from study into full-time ministry
  • Spiritual Renewal Groups Supporting ministers, ministry wives, and other pastoral ministry workers (men and women) so they can thrive in ministry
  • Refresh Camp Our revamped 4 day camp for paid ministry workers and their families designed to build ministry resilience and supportive relationships
  • Pastoral Leader Wellbeing Survey In partnership with NCLS Research a new annual survey to help us stay on top of emerging needs among our leaders
  • Peacemaker Training Accredited training (PeaceWise) to any Presbyterian congregation across NSW and the ACT at a heavily subsidised rate
  • Congregational Health Check-Up A simple set of tools to help presbyteries better support congregations and to help congregations better understand and reflect on how they are going in their service of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Pastoral Connection Members of the M&M team regularly and intentionally visit churches and pastors around the state to provide encouragement and connection

Join us in our mission to advance the formation, staffing, and flourishing of healthy, multiplying Presbyterian churches around NSW and the ACT by giving to the Healthy Ministry Fund (HMF). All donations to the HMF will be used directly to support the healthy ministry work of the committee, such as those listed above.

Donations to the Healthy Ministry Fund can be made by electronic funds transfer or you can send us a cheque. Please use the following details – Pres church fund 1:

Please note that donations are not tax deductible.