Building Loan | Car Loan | Graduating Student Loan | Short-term Emergency Loan
The Ministry and Mission Committee may provide low-interest building loans to congregations where there is a clear commitment to church development.
Ordinarily the maximum term of any loan is ten years and the maximum amount available to approved applicants is $250,000. Applications are made through the Superintendent.
Loans are applied for using this form Building Loan Application
The Ministry and Mission Committee may provide low interest loans for the purchase of cars for use in ministry. These loans are restricted to congregations or to ministers, home missionaries or deaconesses in full-time ministry positions. Graduating students may apply for a loan after receipt of their Exit Certificate and acceptance of their appointment.
For further information, or to check on the current availability of funds for car loans, please contact the M&M team
After a Graduating Student has accepted his/her exit appointment, the Committee is willing to lend them up to $2,000 interest free to tide them over until they take up their new ministry. Those loans are repayable over a two year period in monthly instalments of $100 each. Applications are made through the Associate Superintendent.
Sometimes congregational finances decrease to the point where the minister can no longer be paid. If that happens, the Committee may make up the shortfall in the stipend for a maximum period of three months. That money is treated as an interest-free loan to the congregation and becomes repayable as soon as the congregation becomes “vacant”. Regular and realistic repayments are required until the debt is extinguished. Applications are made through the Associate Superintendent.
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